To say I read blogs a lot is an understatement. This one blog that I read the lady always has the deepest topics to write about. And then I get inspired to write. I sit at my computer. I blank. Every stinkin’ time!
After me sitting with my hands on the keyboard for about ten minutes I figured that I could just talk about whats been going on in my life for the past few months…This summer was eye opening for David and I. We just realized we had to break away from this a good Christian does this, a bad Christian does that and just focus on loving Jesus with our whole heart.

I now look back on the past few years of my life and wish I could just get back those years in college when I was so focused on obeying the rules and making sure everyone was obeying the rules that I didn’t take enough time to really worship my God. Hindsight…oh hindsight. If I were to ever come upon a genie I would wish to always have hindsight before I did things. This is also known as wishing to be psychic. But seriously, years of my life have been consumed with standards. David and I just threw standards right out our balcony window…joking. Standards are awesome when your reason for having them is to honor and glorify God with your life. Standards get the Not Awesome pin buttoned on them when they’re placed in your life because that’s what shows others your “godliness.”

I now am starting to grasp that my God is my friend. Not some obscure being that is too holy to commune with me because of my sinfulness. Yes, God is holy, and yes, I am sinful. But Jesus shed His blood on the cross so that I can commune with God as a friend. That’s so mind blowing to me. I don’t get up, I totally admit that. My brain just cannot comprehend the Maker of the Universe wanting to have a relationship with me. But I enjoy thinking on that rather than on thinking if someones skirt is too short.


(Here are random pictures of us in Maine taken by David’s 5 year old sister)